When Wendy leaves the hideout, she is ambushed by Hook's crew, who capture her along with the rest of the boys. As Wendy says goodbye to Peter, she leaves him a cup of medicine to drink. The Lost Boys eventually decide to join them, to Peter’s dismay. Wendy ultimately decides against becoming a pirate but urges her brothers to return home with her, as they are starting to forget their parents.
Tinker Bell leads Hook's men to Wendy's makeshift "house" and they carry a sleeping Wendy back to the Jolly Roger, where Captain Hook tries to entice Wendy to become a pirate and sends her back to the Lost Boys, unaware she is being followed. Peter then returns to the Darling nursery and tries unsuccessfully to shut the open window, determined to keep Wendy in Neverland. When Wendy asks Peter to express his feelings, he angrily demands she return home, refusing to believe that he can ever feel love without having to grow up before flying off. Hook spies on the two of them and convinces Tinker Bell that Peter will eventually choose to leave Neverland for Wendy. After a celebration at the Native American camp, Peter shows Wendy the fairies' home and the two share a romantic dance. Peter, Wendy, and the Lost Boys save them, as Hook is chased by the crocodile who has followed him for years. Meanwhile, John and Michael encounter Tiger Lily, a Native American princess, and all three are captured by Hook and his crew, who take them to the Black Castle. Wendy awakens and agrees to the Lost Boys' request to be their “mother”, while Peter takes the role of their father. Peter banishes Tinker Bell and ends their friendship. When Peter arrives, they find her alive, as the arrow hit the acorn he had given her which she had made into a necklace. Tinker Bell tricks the Lost Boys into shooting Wendy out of the sky with an arrow, who mistake her for a bird. Captain Hook and his pirate crew are alerted to Peter's return to Neverland and fire a cannon at Peter, Wendy, Michael, and John. They use Tinker Bell's fairy dust, and fly to Neverland. Peter invites Wendy and her brothers to Neverland so she can tell her stories to his gang of Lost Boys. He introduces himself to Wendy, who then sews his shadow back onto him. Peter and Tinker Bell visit the nursery again to look for Peter's shadow, which Nana had bitten off during his previous visit. Darling chains Nana outside and declares that Wendy will leave the nursery. During an attempt to stop the messenger from delivering a disciplinary letter, Wendy embarrasses her father in front of his superiors when Nana chases her into the bank. At school, Wendy is caught by her teacher drawing a picture of Peter. One night, Wendy sees Peter return to the nursery to watch her sleep, but he is chased off by the family's nurse dog, Nana. When their Aunt Millicent arrives, she judges Wendy to be reaching womanhood and advises the Darlings to focus on Wendy's future prospects. Unbeknownst to the children, Peter Pan listens to Wendy's stories from outside their nursery window. In 1904 in the nursery of the Darling household, located in central London, Wendy Darling tells her younger brothers John and Michael stories of Captain Hook and his pirates.