One thing to note: It prints the whole fasta sequences on one line, so you have you edit the print statement at the end to print 70 AA per line. If not, here is a quick script I used in an old HW assignment a few years ago. If you have access to BioPerl, I suggest using that (see other answer). Firstly, i removed scpaces in lines, now i need to align all lines that in every line should be 60 aminoacids and sequances identificator should be printed in new line. I have PHYLIP file and I need convert it into FASTA. $ perl test.phylip >Turkey/1-42ĪAGCTNGGGCATTTCAGGGTGAGCCCGGGCAATACAGGGTATĪAGCCTTGGCAGTGCAGGGTGAGCCGTGGCCGGGCACGGTATĪCCGGTTGGCCGTTCAGGGTACAGGTTGGCCGTTCAGGGTAAĪAACCCTTGCCGTTACGCTTAAACCGAGGCCGGGACACTCATĪAACCCTTGCCGGTACGCTTAAACCATTGCCGGTACGCTTAA I just start working with perl and I have a question.

My $out = Bio::AlignIO->new(-fh => \*STDOUT , My $in = Bio::AlignIO->new(-file => $inputfilename , My ($inputfilename) = "must provide phylip file as 1st parameter.\n" unless $inputfilename If the sequence is nucleic acid or amino acid, it is very simple.BioPerl Bio::AlignIO module might help. This requires a series of tools and some other operations. One problem that may be encountered is that the sequence is not just the sequence of ATCG. If the sequence is nucleic acid or amino acid, it is very simple. You can try two or three lines first, and then analyze your Excel. Next Create a new word, copy C columns in Word, select all (CTRL+A) copy (CTRL+C), create a new TXT, copy the content replicated in Word to this TXT, save, change the suffix to FAS, Yes, the file is opened with Mega. The grep -v command removes lines that matches. To delete all header lines from a fasta file, just delete the lines that start with >: You may want to have a look at the StackExchange Bioinformatics site. What you want to do is convert your fasta file to a file containing only DNA sequence. If you change this column to automatic change, you can see the above Fasta format. The fasta file format is already a plain text format. At this time, the C roll is already Fasta format.

Column A is the name (if not, a new column is named), column B is the sequence, write a formula in column C u003d "u0026 gt " u0026 amp u0026 quot a1 u0026 quot u0026 amp 10) u0026 amp The A1/B1 can be according to the actual cell), and then fill the column C. programs for convert fasta file action 7 com> wrote: > I have a data File, the format of. Step is to open Excel and find the sequence column. First, convert the FNA file to FASTA format using a third-party.