The next two are coordinates, telling it where to put the box. The first argument is how round the corners are. It has rounded corners, which looks nicer than a sharp corner. A way I like to start with this is with a particular command.ĭraw.RoundedBox ( 3, 5, 5, 200, 100, Color ( 51, 58, 51, 255 ) ) How to place the HUD Local client = LocalPlayer ( ) if not client:Alive ( ) then return end if (client:GetActiveWeapon ( ) = NULL or client:GetActiveWeapon ( ) = "Camera" ) then return end Drawing the HUD Here we can also make the HUD hide if you have your camera out and also as an extra insurance policy tell it that if you have no weapon at all (e.g you are dead) then end here.

The player is referred to as 'client' for the rest of the script. If the player is dead, it ends the function. I usually set up a variable to represent the player, then check to see whether the player is dead or not. This function can then be easily handed to the game to be drawn on every frame.

Whenever I write a hud, I write a function to draw it. I don't think there are any tutorials on the subject.