Includes a subtitle converter with OCR from VOB image format to SRT text format.Allows creation of DVD selectable subtitles.Supports subtitles in VobSub, SubRip, MicroDVD, SubViewer, Sami, VPlayer, RT, SSA, AQTitle, JACOsub and MPsubt formats.Includes a full-featured universal video player (mplayer) supporting VOB and text subtitles, with choice of fonts, font sizes and international text encodings including Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Greek and more.Queue encodings in the ffmpegX Progress window.DIVX encoding on a G5 dual is twice as faster as realtime.

Many conversions are faster than realtime.

Problems: cannot find shared directory because macports installs it to /opt/. This short tutorial will help you install ffmpeg on Mac, which is luckily a lot simpler! Has anyone been able to install ffmpeg-php on osx? I was able to install ffmpeg via mac ports. I previously wrote an article how to install ffmpeg on the Raspberry Pi.

FFmpeg is a great little program to help convert more or less any media format. Libtool -static -o libx265.a libx265_main.a libx265_main10.a libx265_main12.Install ffmpeg on Mac OS X. DLINKED_10BIT=ON -DLINKED_12BIT=ON -DENABLE_SHARED=OFF -DENABLE_CLI=OFF. If df | grep Ramdisk > /dev/null then diskutil eject Ramdisk sleep 1 fiĮxport CC=clang & export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$ -DEXTRA_LIB="x265_main10.a x265_main12.a" -DEXTRA_LINK_FLAGS=-L. If df | grep Ramdisk > /dev/null then tput bold echo echo ⏏ Eject Ramdisk tput sgr0 fi