Best way is to uninstall the current codeblocks and download the version with compiler included. It is generally due to non availability of compiler or Codeblocks is not properly configured to use the compiler. Why is my compiler not working in code blocks? For future readers, When you download codeblocks, the first two options do not download the compiler with it.

Go to settingsx26gt Compilerx26gt ToolChainExecutables and click the auto-detect button, and it should now detect the compiler you have just installed. It will RUN normally.Ĭan find any Compiler executable Code::Blocks? Now just restart CodeBlocks and start writing your codes and use the Build and run option. CLICK on Auto-detect button and then click OK button.Uninstall/Remove your current codeblocks compiler.Choose the installer with GCC Compiler, e.g., which includes MinGW’s GNU GCC compiler download and GNU GDB debugger with Code::Blocks source files. How do I download Compiler for Code::Blocks? Install it and most probably your problem will be solved. Why is my Compiler not working in Code::Blocks? How do I download and install GCC compiler in Windows?.How do I fix Compiler setup in code blocks?.Why is my Compiler not working in code blocks?.How do I run a compiler in code blocks?.How can I see the compiler error in Code::Blocks?.Why is my compiler not working in Code::Blocks?.

How do you fix compiler in Code::Blocks?.Where is the compiler executable in Code::Blocks?.How do I enable compiler in Code::Blocks?.Do I need to download a compiler for Code::Blocks?.How do I download GNU GCC compiler for Code::Blocks?.How can I see the compiler error in code blocks?.How do you fix compiler in code blocks?.Why is my compiler not working in code blocks?.Can find any Compiler executable Code::Blocks?.How do you fix Compiler in Code::Blocks?.How do I download Compiler for Code::Blocks?.Why is my Compiler not working in Code::Blocks?.